What to Include in a Powerful One Page Business Plan That Secures Investment?

Entrepreneurs must have a strong strategy while looking for investment because small firms account for 44% of all economic activity in the United States, according to the Small Business Association. Just that—helping to get capital and position the firm for success—can be accomplished with a potent one-page business plan.

You might already be aware of the significance of a business plan if you are an entrepreneur or business owner. It is an essential document that contains all the information you require about your company, such as your goals, tactics, marketing strategies, and financial predictions. Nevertheless, not every business strategy is made equal. We’ll go over how to write a potent one page business plan that will attract investors and position you for success at the next level. Seize the opportunity to get the one page business plan template.

1. Business Concept and Objectives

Source: pinterest.com

The first section of your one page business plan should give a summary of the concept and goals of your organization. Your purpose statement, a description of your goods or services, information about your target market, and your USP should all be present in this area. This part should contain a thorough discussion of your short- and long-term objectives as well as your strategy for reaching them.

2. Market Analysis

A section on market analysis ought to be included in your one page business plan. In this area, you should describe your industry, your competitors, and the possibilities for expansion of your business. Include information on the key market trends, any significant rivals, and industry growth projections. Investors will learn from this section that you are aware of your industry and have a strategy for remaining competitive.

3. Sales and Marketing Strategies

Source: freepik.com

Describe your sales strategy in this section for your goods and services. Describe in detail your price plans, marketing initiatives, and intended routes for customer acquisition. The most efficient approaches to contact your target market and your strategy for turning them into customers should be highlighted.

Employing creative marketing techniques, such as leveraging social media, SEO and content marketing, can significantly enhance a business’s prospects for securing investment. These tools enable businesses to connect with their desired audiences, enhance their visibility, elevate brand recognition, and stimulate consumer interest.

4. Financial Projections

The most important part of your one page business plan is the section on financial predictions. It should include information on how you plan to use financing to accomplish your goals. Financial statements, such as income statements and balance sheets, and cash flow estimates should be included in this area. Investors also like to know how much of a return they may anticipate on their investment. Therefore, make sure to provide thorough financial forecasts for the following three to five years.

5. Management Team

Source: youtube.com

Make sure to include a list of the knowledge, expertise, and qualifications of your management team in the one page business plan. This area is essential since potential investors want to know who they will be working with and whether your team is qualified to run the company.

6. Captivating the Investor’s Attention

The executive summary is one of the most critical sections of a one page business plan. As the thing potential investors will read thoroughly, it must capture their attention and compel them to continue reading and eventually give you the funds. The goal is to convey the essence of your business in a concise and impactful manner.

Start by clearly stating your company’s mission and vision. This sets the tone for the rest of the plan and gives investors an understanding of your overarching goals and purpose. Explain what makes your business unique and why customers would choose your products or services over competitors. Highlight the key benefits and advantages your offering provides.

7. Market Opportunity

Provide a brief overview of the market you’re targeting and the problem or need your business aims to address. Showcase the size and growth potential of the market to demonstrate the opportunity for investors.

Identify your ideal customers and their demographics. Clearly define the characteristics and behaviors of your target market. This shows investors that you have a clear understanding of your customers and their needs.

8. Financial Projections

Source: freepik.com

Summarize your projected financial performance. Include key metrics such as revenue, profitability, and growth rates. This demonstrates your business’s potential for generating returns and attracting investors.

Outline your key milestones and objectives. This could include product launches, customer acquisition targets, or market expansion plans. Investors want to see that you have a clear roadmap for success.

You Need Investment!

Any firm, regardless of its size, must make investments. It gives the business money to grow and frequently makes it possible to develop new goods or services. Additionally, investment contributes to the creation of jobs, which in turn fosters local economic development. The success of a firm is greatly influenced by investment. It aids a company’s ability to expand, enhance liquidity, and seize opportunities. In order to expand and maintain its competitiveness, a corporation might access more resources through investments, including money, information, contacts, and technology. Businesses can adapt swiftly to market developments because to investment, which also gives them flexibility.

Entrepreneurs must have a strong strategy while looking for investment because small firms account for 44% of all economic activity in the United States, according to the Small Business Association. Just that—helping to get capital and position the firm for success—can be accomplished with a potent one page business plan.


Creating a powerful one page business plan is essential if you want to secure investment from potential investors. By following the key areas mentioned above, you can craft a compelling and concise business plan that is easy to read and understand. Remember to focus on the core components of your business strategy, and make sure to include your financial projections, management team, and sales and marketing strategies. With a robust plan in hand, you can be one step closer to funding that will level up your business.