About Me

Hello, I am Nebojša Vujinović, Founder, and Author of this blog (PixelDimes.com).

I’m representing SZR Shantel company from Serbia.

We are in Milutina Milankovića 90/6
11070 Beograd (Novi Beograd)

You can contact us at:  markofotolog@gmail.com

I created this blog exactly on November 4, 2018 (around 2.6 years old) and the main goal behind this blog was to provide honest reviews about work-at-home jobs and different networks and apps which let you make money online.

Through this blog, I want to provide genuine reviews and tips to make money online as there are tons of scams out there when it comes to work from home jobs or make money online stuffs.

If you have any feedback or questions, feel free to use the contact us page.

Let’s Make Money Online 💲🤑

Thank you